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My academic perspective draws from training in ethnomusicology, historical musicology, religious studies, and South Asian studies. I combine a penchant for the granular study of music and text with an eye toward fundamental questions in the humanities and social sciences.


My Ph.D. dissertation project on jazz and India synthesizes political economy, cultural critique, and formal analysis to theorize music in the transitionary period of the Long 1980s. My dissertation research in Mumbai, India was funded by Fulbright grant during the 2023-24 academic year.

My peer-reviewed article, "Toward a Dialectical Understanding of North Indian Drumming Traditions: Musical Labor, Dance, and the Folk/Classical Distinction in Banaras," was published in Asian Music, Volume 55, Number 2 (Summer/Fall 2024).

My academic CV can be found here. My page on the University of Pennsylvania Department of Music website is located here.

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